Skye interrupted
It was a beautiful July morning. We set out early, our camera gear slung over our backs, and hiked into the wooded area with thoughts of a pleasant morning's shooting ahead of us. Aside from the odd die-hard cyclist who whizzed past, lost in his own thoughts, there was no one around. When we came across an old cider shack, with its weathered wood gleaming in the sunlight, we knew we had found the perfect spot. Skye stepped out of her clothes and stood against the barnboard in her little black bikini, enjoying the sun as we started to shoot. After a few poses she slipped out of the bikini top and tossed it over the branch of an apple tree. We were just about to ask her to remove the bottoms when the sound of an engine caught our attention. It was a park authority pick up truck, rumbling up the weed-choked path towards us. "You can't take pictures in here, this is a family park!" boomed the driver gruffly. "Leave or I'll call the police." We tried to remind him that toplessness is legal in Ontario, and that people take photos in this area all the time, but he wasn't listening. We could have stayed and argued and been arrested for some ridiculous charge like trespassing but the mood was gone, and 5 minutes later so was our sun, and so were we. We always wonder when adult men frown on female nudity. It doesn't seem right. We also wonder why people think female nudity is harmful to children. It isn't. We were disappointed at losing our chance to do the nudes in this set, but we loved how the topless photos turned out so we included them here. If you feel ripped off that there's no full nudes in this set then you know how we feel. But don't worry, this is just a bonus set. There will still be 2 full nude sets this week, as usual. But maybe next time you hear a man badmouthing a nude woman, or a woman claiming nude women threaten her children you will speak up and remind them of the beauty of the female body and that without it none of us would ever be born. Maybe then nude photo shoots would not be interrupted and ruined by spoil sports. More...